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What is the relationship between the wrap angle of a capstan and the loading force?

February 24, 2021


A capstan is a device which utilises the Capstan Effect to increase the loading force of a rope by wrapping it around a cylinder. It has led to a wide variety of applications, including windlasses, conveyor belts and rock-climbing equipment. Although the Capstan equation gives a good approximation of the relationship between the hold force and the load force, according to Gao et al., several assumptions such as the rope being non-elastic and non-rigid is often hard to be fulfilled. This paper attempts to assess the relationship between the wrap angle of a capstan and the loading force.


This paper was submitted as an in-school practice “mini” Internal Assessment for the May 2022 International Baccalaureate Physics Higher Level exams. It was written with my fellow classmate.

Marks achieved: 23/24


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